Heroin Anonymous
Wisconsin Area
No More Suffering
Starting A H.A. Meeting
If you are interested in starting an H.A. meeting in your city and would like information please contact us through our email - heroinanonymousWI@gmail.com
H.A. WI Area Meetings
H.A. WI Area meetings will be held on the first Sunday of each month at 4:00 pm on the 3rd floor of the East Side Alano Club, 1521 N. Prospect Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53202. You can also join via Zoom by downloading the app, clicking this link, and entering the password Greenbayha. Everyone is welcome to attend, and we encourage people who are interested in service to join us!
Additional Area Committee Meetings
Heroin Anonymous Wisconsin Area
Chair Descriptions
Heroin Anonymous is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continuous sobriety of heroin/opiate/opioid addicts who turn to us for help. In following with our Twelfth Step, which is outlined in the A.A.s Twelve Steps (although we are not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous) our basic service is to provide any action that helps H.A. as a whole.
Although a portion of our recovery includes going to meetings in our local areas, there are a variety of other opportunities to do service for H.A. These volunteer positions advance the quality of our recovery and the overall well-being of the groups by freely sharing our time and talents.
This includes a variety of service positions in your district and/or area that “trusted servants” dedicate themselves to while carrying the message of recovery. In the following sections, these links are Area approved chair descriptions that have been decided to be shared with the public who may be inquiring more about this body/fellowship